
The Perils of Online Casinos

Whilst only in the business for almost one year, one gets to learn which are the good, high quality casinos, which online casinos are ok, and which online casinos are just downright appalling. Unfortunately, regardless of how good an online casino is, a few bad apples here and there and it rubs off on the whole industry, just as spitting fake blood during a rugby match is to the reputation of World rugby. Stamping these online casinos out can be difficult, first one requires proof that something untoward has been going on, luckily there are enough casino forums around where players can voice their opinion if they feel something is wrong, comments are usually then backed up by others once one individual has spoken out. This is usually where the fun begins as claims and counter claims are made for all to see on the internet, although they say all publicity is good publicity I could not agree that when players prove that an online casino has not being paying out, changing terms